photo of man and woman outdoors walking in gym clothes looking happy

Sports Nutrition

There is an integral relationship between what our bodies are able to do and the kinds of food we eat. Lisa began counseling sports nutrition at the Atrium Club, eventually becoming the Director of Nutrition at Altheus Health & Sport as well as a nutritionist in the office of a leading NY Sports Medicine physician. She now brings her sports nutrition expertise to her own practice.

Whether you are an occasional exerciser, a weekend warrior, a school athlete or a triathlete, we can help you design the appropriate plan that meets the dietary requirements to achieve optimal athletic performance.

Pre-event and Post-event nutritional needs are part of the dietary strategy we offer, as well as providing recommended intake guidelines during the actual athletic events.

“Dieting most of my life, I maintained my weight until aging and other physical consequences of time caught up with me. Despite dieting, exercising, and “being careful” of what I ate, I watched as the scale continued to display higher numbers much to my dismay. Frustrated and fed-up, I decided to heed a friend’s recommendation and scheduled a visit with Lisa Ellis.”

Iris D.

Receive your free Emotion-Triggered Eating™ guide to addressing your relationship with food. This free guide will provide practical tips to reduce emotion-triggered eating, and help you:

  • Increase awareness around emotion-triggered eating

  • Identify your specific emotion-triggers

  • Establish other strategies to self-soothe