About Our Practice2024-07-23T20:01:25+00:00

About Our Practice

Getting to the root of the reasons people use food to comfort and self-soothe—emotional, psychological, and physical—is an important part of our counseling. In addition to eating disorders and disordered eating, areas of nutrition specialization include pregnancy support, medically-referred nutrition plans (i.e. for hypertension, gastroesophageal reflux, cardiovascular, diabetes mellitus, etc.) and sports nutrition.

colorful bowl of quinoa, brocolli, salmon, avocado and cucumbers

Change your relationship with food one bite at a time.

Learn what makes us different


We bring an open heart and a non-judgmental perspective to all our work with clients. We understand the frustrations and struggles many people experience, and the collaboration between our team and our clients is at its most effective when the clients feel understood; in this way we can best assist them in building upon their individual strengths and abilities to achieve their optimum health and nutrition goals.

Good Listener

Honoring and really hearing what our clients have to say is an important element of Integrating Nutrition; sometimes what is even more important is our ability to be open to hear the things they are having difficulty finding words to discuss. Creating a safe environment for clear two-way communications is crucial to individual progress.

Building Upon Strengths

We work with clients in a way that calls upon their own strengths and preferences when designing their nutrition strategies. Building upon the individual sensibilities of each client encourages a greater sense of ownership and a more enthusiastic compliance with their own nutrition plans.


Every nutrition plan differs according to the needs, habits and rhythms of every individual client. Using a blend of intuition, creativity, and science, individualized programs are designed to meet the needs of each particular client.

Receive your free Emotion-Triggered Eating™ guide to addressing your relationship with food. This free guide will provide practical tips to reduce emotion-triggered eating, and help you:

  • Increase awareness around emotion-triggered eating

  • Identify your specific emotion-triggers

  • Establish other strategies to self-soothe

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